Carbon is one chemical compound which is present in the periodic table just after boron. Carbon is a non-metal and has its application in the production of graphite and diamond.
Diamond, amorphous carbon and graphite are three allotropes of carbon. Carbon form compounds through reactions such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and many more carbon compounds.
Dolomites, limestone, carbon dioxide are one of the most common sources of inorganic carbon. Carbon due to its tetra valent structure can form compounds much more in numbers that any other element in the periodic table. After hydrogen, oxygen and helium, carbon is the fourth most abundant element after these three in the universe.
In the increasing times, pollutions are increasing bringing about undesirable results which can badly impact the environment as well as nature. One of the most concerns in the aspect of pollution is the greenhouse effect. Carbon dioxide, methane, ozone and water vapors are the four gases which compositely form greenhouse effect. Carbon dioxide is produced by many reasons such as burning of coal, wood, burning of fuel in vehicles, etc. trees inhale carbon dioxide and living being exhale carbon dioxide.
Excessive production of carbon dioxide results in an imbalance into the environment. Greenhouse gases traps the solar heat from the solar rays entering the earth from escaping thus increasing the global temperature which in turn produces changes in weather as well as bringing adverse effects to the environment such as melting of ice in Antarctica, depletion of ozone layer and many more.
People nowadays have become cautious about the concern and carbon calculator are being produced by which are capable to measure any individual’s as well as institution’s emission of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere to help reduce their emission.
Institutions and humans nowadays are aimed at achieving carbon neutrality which refers to the zero emission of carbon by practicing carbon offsetting, carbon offsetting can be referred to the neutralization of green house gases emitted by any individual by contributing to projects which also related to decrease emission of GHG (green house gases) through planting of trees, by buying carbon credit which refers to buying of any certificate which allows to emit 1 tonne of any GHG with an equivalent of the gas emitted.
Many companies produce carbon calculators for the purpose of reducing greenhouse gases by measuring them just like the company Carbon Advice Group.
Carbon calculator business not only helps to measure the amounts of carbon dioxide or any other green house gas emitted into atmosphere but also helps to counteract the emission by measuring the amount emitted and to act accordingly to neutralize the same.
Institutions and humans nowadays are aimed at achieving carbon neutrality which refers to the zero emission of carbon by practicing carbon offsetting, carbon offsetting upholstery cleaning Mountlake Terace